While farmer Petré is a step ahead with the process, Tyson, Nelis and Johan finally had to choose the one girl they wanted to get to know better in the latest episode of ‘Boer Soek ’n Vrou.’
Even board games couldn’t ease the tension on ‘Boer Soek ‘n Vrou’ tonight. Image: Supplied
Those following kykNET’s matchmaker series, Boer Soek ’n Vrou, have probably been speculating which girls farmers Tyson, Nelis and Johan will finally choose to get to know better. In the latest episode, it was D-day as Margot rightly dubbed it and although most of the reality show’s participants were anxious for the wait to be over, there were still some tears and disappointment.
In the previous episode, farmer Willem decided not to proceed with the process and Bu-Anda, one of the women Petré asked to stay on the farm, also called it quits, leaving Petré and Lourize to spend the day getting to know each other better while the other farmers were still struggling with their final choice.
READ: ‘Boer Soek ’n Vrou’ – Bu-Anda Laubscher on life after calling it quits
Raindrops and tears
Tension ran high on Nelis’ farm and the rainy weather did not help the situation. Even amid fun, light-hearted board games, Esmerélda struggled to keep her emotions at bay. She had been rather emotional toward the end of the process and the little sleep and unpredictability had her in tears numerous times.
Margot was a little more composed and told presenter Marciel Hopkins that she came into the process in the right head space.
Nelis admitted that during the two women’s visit on the farm, his decision had shifted from the one to the other and he eventually asked Esmerélda to stay. Marciel wanted to know why he chose Esmerélda and he laughed and said: “Because she cries easily.” But all jokes aside, he said that she gets him and while he is often all over the place, she sees the gaps and fills them. She shyly admitted to cleaning up after him during the visit on more than one occasion.
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Margot was “really okay” with Nelis’ choice and said that she was happy for both of them.
Doggy baths while it lasts
On Tyson’s farm, he wanted to make the last day a fun one by bathing Bullet, his dog, as he felt that he hadn’t been getting much attention amid all the craziness of the Boer Soek ’n Vrou process. Alri and Annelle both enjoyed helping Tyson wash Bullet, who wasn’t that keen.
Tyson has been saying all along that for him, the process would involve finding a special friendship first, from which he then hopes to build a more serious relationship. He’s a family man, and one who knows exactly what he wants and that message got through to both women during their visit on the farm.
During a quick chat with Marciel, Alri said that she can see Tyson is the kind of guy whom you need to leave to do what he loves. Once you do that, he will thrive. Annelle shared similar comments about him when speaking to Marciel, saying he is not the type of guy whose head you should sit on.
Knowing what he wants certainly helped him with his decision as he seemed certain about who he wanted to ask to stay for quite some time. In earlier episodes, he referred to her eyes and her hair while talking to Marciel and tonight he asked Alri – who really wanted to be the one to stay – if she would let him get to know her better.
Annelle was sad as she clearly became quite fond of Tyson and his habits too, but she believed that he made the right choice.
The last picnic
Johan made Arina and Liandi some breakfast in the veld on the last morning of them all being together and although the three got along very well all along, things were a little more tense this time around.
Arina had openly been hoping that she would be the one to stay, and told Marciel that Johan ticked all her boxes when it came to her list of character traits of the perfect man. Liandi also has a long list and she told Marciel that Johan came close to ticking all of them.
When the time came to announce his decision, Johan asked Arina to stay – relief evident on her face. Liandi seemed disappointed, but she was also happy for them both.
Easy-peasy for Petré
And, while these three farmers had to make the decisions the hard way, Bu-Anda had made Petré’s decision much easier last week, by withdrawing from Boer Soek ’n Vrou, saying that he is not the man for her and that Petré and Lourize fit together so well.
He has been getting to know Lourize better ever since and while talking to Marciel, the two seemed to be in the early, butterfly stages of falling madly in love.
Now, the next step is to meet the women’s parents and visit their family homes.
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