‘Boer Soek ‘n Vrou’: 50 outfits per season and other interesting facts about the show

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By Citizen Reporter


Six presenters have travelled almost 600 000km through South Africa over the past 15 years, to engage with farmers and their potential love interests.

South Africans have been invested in the country’s farmers love lives since 2008. Many successful relationships were formed and beautiful families emerged, but there were also many hearts broken along the way.

As South Africa gets ready to welcome 10 new farmers on their quest to find love in Season 15 of the hugely popular television reality show Boer Soek ‘n Vrou, we take a look at some interesting facts about the show.

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15 popcorn facts about Boer Soek ’n Vrou

  • The first episode of Boer Soek ’n Vrou aired on kykNET on 30 September 2008.
  • With the fifteenth season soon to be aired, 150 eligible farmers would have appeared on the show since 2008.  
  • Boer Soek ’n Vrou is based on an international format and is being produced in various countries. In 2001, it appeared on TV screens in Britain as Farmer wants a wife
  • The producers of the South African version are aware of at least 25 success stories of farmers who found their way down the aisle after participating in the series. This makes the local version of the popular dating show one of the most successful in the world. During the 12 seasons aired Down Under, nine weddings resulted from the show until 2022.  
  • Joachim, a participant in the first season of Boer Soek ’n Vrou, has to date received the most letters from potential partners.   
  • Although many female farmers entered over the years, farmer Toanette was the first one to receive enough letters in 2018 to ensure her spot among the top 5 farmers in the series.
Interesting facts Boer Soek 'n Vrou
Toanette was one of the Top 5 farmers who received the most letters in 2018.
Picture: Supplied
  • Another first took place during the 12th season in 2019, when the first openly gay farmer, Damian, entered. He also received the most letters during that season.   
  • Over the past 15 years, six presenters crisscrossed the country to engage with the farmers and their potential love interests. They were: Elma Postma (2008-2010), Angelique Gerber (2011-2013), Nadia Beukes (2014-2015), Minki van der Westhuizen (2016-2017), Leah van Niekerk (2018-2019) and Marciel Hopkins from 2020 to date. 
Elma Postma, Angelique Gerber, Nadia Beukes, Minki van der Westhuizen, Leah van Niekerk and Marciel Hopkins.
Picture: Instagram / Minki van der Westhuizen
  • Boer Soek ’n Vrou presenters wear an average of 50 outfits for the duration of the production.    
  • In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the series in 2017, musician Schalk Joubert freshened up the well-known theme song.  
  • The Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 also impacted the series and production had to be halted for a while. In the past Boer Soek ’n Vrou was usually aired between October and January. However, due to the delay, the 13th season was only aired in January 2021. 
  • As a result of the pandemic, and contrary to previous seasons where the farmers received letters and parcels in person, potential love interests for season 13 had to introduce themselves to the farmers in a digital format.   
  • Over the past 15 years, most of the farmers looking for love were from the Western Cape, followed by those from the Free State and the Northern Cape. 
  • Potential partners usually go through extreme efforts to attract the farmers’ attention with their parcels and letters. However, some rather strange gifts have been received – such as handcuffs covered in pink feathers and underwear with the interested person’s face on it.  
  • During the past 15 years, the production team has travelled almost 600 000km through South Africa to help farmers in their quest to find love. This is almost the same distance as going to the moon and back. The moon is 384 400km from earth.    

Boer Soek ’n Vrou season 15 starts on Thursday 19 January 2023 at 7pm on kykNET, channel 144 on DStv.

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