We caught up with Stylist, Social Media Influencer and boy mom Tshepi Vundla and she answers a few questions about her parenting journey as she raises her son Siba.
Being a mom is ….
The most rewarding experience. You grow & learn daily.
The last time I gagged because of my kid was when he …
had a runny tummy whilst we were out. I only realized when Jay picked him up and the poo was on Jay’s arm too
The last time I cried as a mom my son…
gave me a big hug, kiss and told me he loved me
My advice to other moms would be…
take your time, do what makes you & your baby happy & comfortable.
My favourite part about being a mom is…
his excitement when I come home, the running towards me & him calling out for me.
The biggest challenge is…
making sure I’m not making mistakes
My biggest mom guilt is when…
I fuss about him being dirty. I should let him be a child.
My success as a parent is measured by…
his smile & laughter
The most important affirmation I say to my son is…
you are strong, you are brave, you are kind, you are special & you are smart
The most important behaviour/attitude I mirror for my child is…
manners; always remembering to say thank you & please
My work-life balance as a working mom is…
hard but I have to make it work. I have a great support system that helps me balance it.
I hate when other moms…
compare their kids to mine. It’s not a competition, kids are individuals