Categories: Entertainment

Somizi’s book to be produced in braille

Idols SA judge Somizi Mhlongo may have achieved much in his life, but says his new project will be his best achievement to date. Taking to Instagram on Friday, Somizi said having his book produced in braille would be his biggest achievement to date.

“I’ve achieved so much in my life. And still on the journey to achieving more. But having my book Dominoes produced in Braille? That is going to be my biggest achievement,” he wrote Instagram.

Somiz says the idea came after someone called in to his Metro FM show with DJ Fresh, Freshbreakfast, and he happened to be blind. He then made a follow-up call after the show, and that is when the idea was birthed.

“I bless the day I gave a caller on Freshbreakfast a call after the show who happened to be blind. And that was the beginning of a great friendship,” he said.

He has not released more details about the project.

The announcement was met with excitement from his fans, who said they appreciated him for including the blind community in his success.

“This is why I love Somizi, he doesn’t only think about what ordinary people can so, he thinks about everyone,” said one of his followers, while another said, though they did not mean to put pressure on the choreographer, releasing the book on September 1 would truly be special.

Somizi released his book, Dominoes: Unbreakable Spirit, in June this year, and has been a bestseller since, with some bookstores constantly being reported to have run out of copies.

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