Categories: Entertainment

Soapie Watch: This week on Isibaya

Episode 259 Monday 26 May 2014
Dirty Dealings

S’khaleni is late for work because of his dealings. Iris comes up with a plan that might relieve her. Ntandane is suspicious of S’khaleni. Lerato questions Mehl’mamba about Mpiyakhe’s strange behavior.

Episode 260 Tuesday 27 May 2014
An unexpected visitor

Josie stays the night at the Kgogong house. The wives encourage Qondi to look after Mpiyakhe. Shadrack questions Josie about the passed. Mehlemamba keeps an eye on Mpiyakhe’s behavior.

Episode 261 Wednesday 28 May 2014
Open avenues for affection

Qondi shuts Pam down when she employs authority. Mehl’mamba agrees to watch over Mpiyakhe. Pam and Iris wonder why Bhekifa shows interest in Iris’ affairs . Things are not going well in S’khaleni’s business.

Episode 262, Thursday 29 May 2014

Shadrack keeps a secret from Fezile, while he wants to tighten up security. Mehlemamba is relieved of his guarding duties. Sihle discovers Iris’ secret about her trip to Durban.

Episode 263, Friday 30 May 2014

S’khaleni gets a payout from shortie. A leg of lamb has been eaten by someone in the yard. Lerato teaches Josie about motherhood. Mehlemamba asks for permission to look after Mpiyakhe and the dark side of Mgijimi takes over.

Information courtesy Mzansi Magic