Categories: EntertainmentTV

Nkunzi eyes a forbidden fruit this week on ‘Uzalo’

Monday October 30

MaNgcobo worries that Nkunzi will self-destruct. Mastermind is shocked that Smangele and Khumbulani are dating. MaNzuza wants to rekindle her love for Pastor Mdletshe but wavers as Advocate Zulu shows up on her doorstep.

Tuesday October 31

Mastermind and Qhabanga have to put on an award-winning performance when cops start sniffing around for the stolen cars. MaDlamini unknowingly breaks her husband’s heart. Smangele gets butterflies in her stomach from Khumbulani’s grand gesture of love.
Wednesday November 1

Who will come out tops as Khumbulani and Mastermind go toe to toe? Nkunzi is a new man and everyone wants to run for cover. Will Pastor Mdletshe come to her aid as MaNzuza’s demons haunt her?

Thursday November 2

Smangele is warned to pump the breaks with Khumbulani. Nkunzi’s new attitude gets under MaNgcobo’s skin. MaNzuza puts all her focus on her marriage and tries to avoid any other distraction.

Friday November 3

Nkunzi eyes a forbidden fruit. Smangele is not afraid to go for what she wants. MaMlambo has bad news for MaNgcobo.