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Actress Bonnie Mbuli. Picture: Instagram
Actress and author Bonnie Mbuli stirred a conversation on Monday about the ongoing scourge of gender based violence (GBV) in the country.
The topic comes at a time when many eyes are on artists such as Black Coffee and AKA who have been accused of GBV.
Mbuli asked on Twitter if the problem starts at home and who is raising the boy child.
you don’t want to hear this ..i don’t either, but Who raised these men? We did !
— Bonnie Mbuli (@BonnieMbuli) May 9, 2021
Her tweet was met by some with disdain, assuming she was placing the blame on mothers only or female figures in the home.
ALSO READ: AKA saga: New videos emerge showing a tumultuous relationship
And the women Bonnie? How did the women end up so different? https://t.co/czlr0hjOny
— Nazanin Mnandi (@SadieJTorquato) May 10, 2021
Maybe Bonnie is getting these responses because it feels like she’s saying only women raise boys, but you guys with brothers have also spoken about how differently they are treated to you. So it’s entirely possible to raise boys/girls differently. Ke patriarchy akere?
— white woman of colour (@NthabiWabi) May 10, 2021
When it was pointed out to Mbuli that when the same women raised girls, they do not end up aggressive or violent.
Mbuli responded: “Women also raise girls to protect men, to bekezela, to be strong, they teach them mantras like ‘men will be men’.”
A Twitter user who by the name of Elcetica agreed, adding: “Women can be big agents and gatekeepers for the patriarchy, especially in the generation of our mothers and older but there are young women complicit and feeding this culture. It makes it all the more difficult and intricate.”
To observe and accept this fact isn’t taking away any responsibility of violent men, it is realizing the multi layered relationship between gender and identity as well as how it’s expressed. Polarization in any form is the antidote of the solution.
— ecléctica ???? (@xtinamagwaza) May 10, 2021
Y’all are angry at Bonnie for saying that women should also be held accountable for protecting and perpetuating patriarchy?
It’s a hard pill to swallow but she ain’t lie.— Duchess of Modelling ???? (@Rivoningo_C) May 10, 2021
DJ Black Coffee felt vindicated after the Randburg Magistrate’s Court denied his estranged wife Enhle Mbali a protection order against him.
ALSO READ: WATCH: I’m done protecting Black Coffee, says a teary Enhle Mbali
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