Lerato Kganyago reveals she can’t have kids

After wishing her followers a happy Mother’s Day on Sunday, a tweep asked when she would be having her own children. Lerato replied to the tweet that she could not have children.

“I can’t have children. Hope I won’t be asked this question ever again on this app,” she tweeted.

Last year May, Kganyago opened up about her miscarriage and fertility problems in an interview with True Love magazine. She told the publication she suffered from fibroids, which doctors told her would make it difficult to fall pregnant. Kganyago miscarried her first baby five months into her pregnancy.

“I was admitted, and after the doctor did a scan, she told me I had miscarried. I sat on the hospital bed numb. I called my mom and my ex, who both cried,” she told True Love.

Lerato also said she had been going for counselling, which helped her find peace and closure with a lot of things that she was dealing with in her life. Her Twitter fans sent her well wishes after her heartbreaking revelation.





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