Categories: EntertainmentTV

‘Generations’ this week: Zondiwe wants to move in with Tau

Monday, October 3

Daniel seems to know something no one else does … Tshidi is terrified her secret might come out. Sphe is disgusted to hear about Bab’Cele’s proposed ‘solution’.

Tuesday, October 4

Smanga is shocked when Namhla kisses him. Wandile is caught in bed with another woman. Mazwi’s heart breaks as he reads a letter from his true love.

Wednesday, October 5

Zondiwe wants to move in with Tau. Getty drowns her sorrows in booze again. Lucy is furious when unwelcome visitors gatecrash the shebeen.

Thursday, October 6

Tshidi feels more and more isolated and alone. Xolelwa is out of her depth with her new friends. Bab’Cele urges Sphe to do what tradition demands of her.

Friday, October 7

Namhla agrees to go back to work despite her embarrassment. Tebogo is shocked to the core by an unexpected revelation. Wandile freaks out when Elam hits the nail on the head.