Categories: Entertainment

Euphonik opens doors for Killer Kau and Mbali Sikwane

Popular 947 radio DJ Themba Nkosi, better known as Euphonik, has ventured out on a personal campaign to pay it forward.

Using his own resources, the House music producer has managed to change the lives of two young social media sensations, Killer Kau and Mbali Sikwane, who took Twitter by storm when they posted videos of themselves singing a popular phrase.

The pair’s clips soon went viral, causing many others to join in. Soon afterwards, Euphonik reached out to Kau via the platform and arranged a studio session where they recorded a song, #TholukuthiHey. The song was released on August 4 and has since been on every radio station chart list.

“A friend of mine sent me these two random videos and I happened to watch them,” said Euphonik. “I reached out to Twitter and two hours later we were in studio, and two hours after that, the song was done and we performed it at Taboo [a trendy nightclub in Sandton].”

The DJ went on to say that making the song was not about money, but rather his way of “using my power and influence and the resources I have to change someone else’s life”.

Having recorded the song, both Kau and Sikwane have become the talk of the country and have done interviews on all the major broadcasting TV and radio shows.

This Saturday, they and the producer organised a concert at Zone 6 Venue in Diepkloof in Soweto, featuring Kau and Sikwane and others, hosted by Pearl Thusi. The proceedings will go to children who can’t afford school fees and other social causes.