Thandaza is certain she knows who is after her family. Watch 'Muvhango' this week as the drama unfolds.
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Monday March 13
Mysterious things happen in Thandaza’s house. Mulimisi warns that KK’s actions will bring ruin to all of Thathe. Mulondo wants to come clean to Dee but fails.
Tuesday March 14
Thandaza’s family is under attack. Gizara takes matters with KK into his own hands. Mulondo seeks employment.
Wednesday March 15
Death threatens the Mokoena home. KK’s business plan could kill the Vhakwevhos.
Thursday March 16
KK seems to have the upper hand in Thathe. Ranthumeng pays Kat’s damages to Mr Mapetla, but the curse on the house persists. Mulondo finally meets Dee for his first date.
Friday March 17
KK launches his new plan for Thathe but has he gone too far this time. Thandaza is certain she knows who is after her and her family. Dee makes it up to Mulondo for turning him down.
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