Reeva Steenkamp’s sister Simone has warned authorities not to release convicted murdered Oscar Pistorius from prison as she believes he is dangerous.
25 Mar 2014, Pretoria, Tshwane, South Africa — Pretoria, South Africa. 25th March 2014 — Oscar Pistorius pictured arriving for trial day 15 of his murder trial in the killing of his girlfriend. The trial was adjourned until Friday 28th March, 2014 for the defense to finalize its consultation with its witnesses. — Oscar Pistorius’ murder trial has been adjourned until Friday 28th March, 2014 for the defense to finalize its consultation with its witnesses as the state confirmed that is is satisfied with the witnesses it already presented at the trial. — Image by © Frans Sello waga Machate/Demotix/Corbis
The Paralympian approached the Constitutional Court in December last year to appeal his 13-year jail term.
Oscar maintains he believed Reeva was an intruder, when he shot her on Valentine’s Day five years ago.
But Simone doesn’t believe the shooting was an accident.
Speaking to The Sun, she says she thinks Reeva wanted to end their three-month relationship, and “he lost it and couldn’t bear to have her walk out on him”.
Simone says the Black Talon ammunition he used in the shooting – which is designed to expand on impact – prove the killing was not an accident.
“You don’t shoot an animal with the type of bullets he used. You don’t shoot a loved one with that sort of bullet or even an intruder, as he claimed he thought it was,” she told the publication.
Simone warned that if Oscar is released, he will kill again.
“Pistorius will come out one day and he will do it again, he is that dangerous. It is in him – he will kill again,” she told the publication.
Despite her fears about the gold medalist, the 52-year-old says:
“In a way I feel sorry for Pistorius. He has not had an easy life, what with the double amputation of his legs when he was just a baby and the loss of his mother at the age of 16.”
Simone says she can’t put into words how much she misses her sister.
“I still see her face. She was a strong personality with a heart of gold, and she wasn’t a big softie, like me. She never hid her feelings – you knew what she was feeling. She never stood any nonsense from anyone. That’s why I know she would stand up to someone like Pistorius, because she was not a doormat and she would not let anyone walk over her and would not be bullied.”
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