An old picture of young Elon Musk has surfaced taken while he was visiting his cousin's farm in Canada.
Elon Musk in Canada with two hats. Picture: Twitter
A picture of Elon Musk, the mind behind Tesla and SpaceX, has been shared on Twitter by Weird History and the image serves as proof that Elon has always been a little different.
The picture is of 17-year-old Elon Musk, taken while he was visiting his cousin’s farm in Canada. In the picture Musk is holding a hammer and wearing what seems to be a cowboy hat, with a cap on top of the cowboy hat.
The extraordinary entrepreneur reached a net worth of $175.5 billion (R2.5 trillion) this year and is ranked as the second richest person in the world, just after Amazon’s creator, Jeff Bezos, with a net worth of $194 billion.
Musk’s journey to success began in 1995 when he failed to get a job at Netscape, so he decided to start his own company a year later named Zip2.
Zip2 aimed at helping media companies move online and it was later bought out by Compaq in 1999. Musk moved on to co-found PayPal, which was acquired by eBay for $1.5 billion in July 2002.
Musk’s large following was highly amused by the picture of 17-year-old him. This is how they reacted:
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