An old picture of young Elon Musk has surfaced taken while he was visiting his cousin's farm in Canada.

Elon Musk in Canada with two hats. Picture: Twitter
A picture of Elon Musk, the mind behind Tesla and SpaceX, has been shared on Twitter by Weird History and the image serves as proof that Elon has always been a little different.
The picture is of 17-year-old Elon Musk, taken while he was visiting his cousin’s farm in Canada. In the picture Musk is holding a hammer and wearing what seems to be a cowboy hat, with a cap on top of the cowboy hat.
Elon Musk, at 17 years old, visiting his cousin’s farm in Canada wearing “a hat on a hat”. Genius!
— Weird History (@WElRDHISTORY) April 18, 2021
The extraordinary entrepreneur reached a net worth of $175.5 billion (R2.5 trillion) this year and is ranked as the second richest person in the world, just after Amazon’s creator, Jeff Bezos, with a net worth of $194 billion.
Musk’s journey to success began in 1995 when he failed to get a job at Netscape, so he decided to start his own company a year later named Zip2.
In 1995, @elonmusk wanted to work with an Internet company, he applied to work at Netscape, sent his resume, tried hanging out in their lobby, but he was too shy to talk to anyone. So he started his own Internet company (Zip2) as he wasn’t able to get a job anywhere.
— Pranay Pathole (@PPathole) April 20, 2021
Zip2 aimed at helping media companies move online and it was later bought out by Compaq in 1999. Musk moved on to co-found PayPal, which was acquired by eBay for $1.5 billion in July 2002.
Musk’s large following was highly amused by the picture of 17-year-old him. This is how they reacted:
Clearly Genius.
— Sunil Jain (@iam_suniljain) April 20, 2021
Two hats at same time…as if he already knew he had to wear crown of two of the world’s most great companies…TESLA & SPACEX… @GENIUS @elonmusk
— Jigmet Stobdan (@JigmetStobdan2) April 19, 2021
Weirdo guys are actually genius….as they always find out a way to stand alone.
— Priyanshi (@PriyanshiRawat2) April 19, 2021
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