We take a look at the latest addition to Real Housewives of Durban, Sanelisiwe 'Sane' Bhengu who also seems to be a gossip blogger.

Private chef, food and travel Influencer and Real Housewives of Durban season three cast member Sanelisiwe ‘Chef Nesh’ Bhengu
Who is Sanelisiwe Bhengu? That is the question on everyone’s lips after the self-proclaimed private chef appeared on the latest episode of The Real Housewives of Durban (RHODurban) and gave Londie London a verbal baptism of fire about her relationship troubles.
She entered the episode as a guest of Sorisha Naidoo at her spa opening but was very secretive about how she managed to crack an invitation to the exclusive event when the ladies tried to figure out who the interloper among them was.
Interloper or friend to the show?
It seems as though Sanelisiwe Bhengu is being introduced to the show in the international format’s “friend to the show” feature and this was a position previously held by Mabusi Seeme in the first two seasons of the show.
In this RHODurban episode, Sane walked in and immediately sat with the group of friends who wondered why she would choose to sit by them in a room full of people.
She immediately asked the women to introduce themselves, starting with Annie and new season three cast member Slindile (aka Slee). She then met Jojo, Nonku and Mbali.
She introduced herself as Sanelisiwe ‘Chef Nesh’ Bhengu from North Durban and made it seem as though she crashed the party after hearing whispers about it through the grapevine.
LISTEN: Sandy Mbhele and Kay Selisho break down the Sane saga and other headlines on the ‘Who Said That’ podcast
Based on the fact that Sane said she was a chef, Slee asked her if she was at the party in her capacity as a caterer for the event to which Sane replied “Oh no, darling. I can’t cater to you”.
The misunderstanding then devolved into a tiff that saw Slee get labelled a classist by Jojo for assuming Sane was the “catering lady”.
ALSO READ: Inside the ‘Real Housewives of Durban’ season three premiere
After a speech from Sorisha, Annie and Slee got up to get drinks and Sane used the opportunity to complain to Jojo and Nonku about the fact that she overheard Slee asking why she was seated with them.
The RHODurban women then debated the difference between a private chef and a caterer at Sane’s insistence.
“Anyone can be a caterer, anyone can do catering,” said Sane in her diary session.
Sane the gossip blogger?
In addition to introducing herself as a private chef, Sane – who had previously appeared on an episode of Come Dine With Me South Africa – said that she was an influencer.
The Citizen managed to find three of her profiles at the time of writing; @sanelisiwebhengu on Instagram with 34 000 followers, @sanebhengu1 on Twitter with just over 1 000 followers and Sanelisiwe Bhengu @sanelisiwebhengu2216 on YouTube with 1 740 subscribers.
Despite being a private chef, her YouTube channel appears to be more of a gossip channel with videos about Babes Wodumo and Mampintsha, Twitter’s favourite homeless man Bonga, rumours about DJ Sumbody’s death and the Sonia Booth cheesecake cheating scandal.
The channel’s gossip videos are punctuated with videos from her travels and culinary exploits, however, the views on those videos pale in comparison to her poorly put-together gossip videos.
It is perhaps this background as a gossip blogger that enable her to know so much about Londie despite Londie’s insistence that she had never met Sane prior to the night shown in Real Housewives of Durban season three, episode two.
Sane made fun of Londie for reportedly being down and out and even said that she would still have a man and she would still be driving a Range Rover if she wasn’t so forward.
She immediately emerged as the RHODurban villain after, that with viewers taking to social media to share their thoughts on whether or not she was wrong considering the fact that Londie got as good as she gave last season when Nonkanyiso LaConco Conco and her love life were the topic of discussion.
Only time will tell whether or not Sane gets to live up to the reputation developed by Atlanta housewife Phaedra Parks who Sane admitted to being inspired by.
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