The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls (OWLAG) is now accepting applications for the 2021 academic year. The vision of the academy is to “support the development of a new generation of dynamic women leaders”.
The school has academic and financial requirements for its entrants. The qualifying student should be a South African citizen or permanent resident with an average of 70% for Maths and English. The household income should also be less than R30,000 per month.
Your child will be subjected to a set of tests before their application is successful. They are as follows:
Applicants who meet the initial criteria will be invited to write entrance tests, which will be held at several different venues throughout South Africa.
Further selection and more extensive testing of academic and leadership potential will follow.
Final selection camps, lasting 2 or 3 days, will be held at the Academy later in the year.
All successful students will be registered at their homes at the end of the process.
Click here to apply online
Click here to download the application form and apply via post.
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