Categories: Celebs And Viral

Minnie shows some flesh in photoshoot

Soccerzone4sho presenter Minnie Dlamini was on a photoshoot on Wednesday. We do not normally talk about all her photoshoots but in this one, she was so gorgeous we could not stop talking about it. We all know Minnie has this amazing body, no, perfect is the right word to describe it. Unfortunately she hasn’t shared with us how she maintains it, hopefully one day.

To add to that, he hair is always on point and then she goes on to add clothes that you’d swear were made for her, just her. Anyway, she started sharing pictures on her Instagram of her stylist doing her hair. This is her first post:



Minnie Dlamini on Instagram


And then this happened

Minnie Dlamini on Instagram

Minnie Dlamini on Instagram