Categories: Celebs And Viral

Karlien van Jaarsveld gives birth to healthy twins

Karlien and Derick tied the knot in March this year and broke the news that they were expecting twins on Twitter in July.

Karlien is the sister of fellow-singer Bobby van Jaarsveld, who revealed that she had gone into labour Thursday morning.

“Have never rushed home from holiday this fast! Karlien has been admitted to hospital! The twins are on their way!!!” the excited brother tweeted.

Bobby and Karlien’s mother and manager, Ronel Brink, also updated fans with a series of tweets.

“I am sitting here with Karlien. My excitement knows no bounds. Today I meet Daniël en Eliah,” she wrote while her daughter was still in labour.

Later she added: “I sit here with a lump in my throat. The Lord’s grace and kindness is too great to comprehend.”

She also posted a photo of a nervous-looking Hougaard in hospital garb, and wrote: “Daddy on the way in to welcome his two little guys! Granny sits waiting at the theatre door!”

And ended off with: “They are perfect!!!!!!!! Thank you Abba Father!!!!!!!”

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