Cape Town-born singer Ringo Madlingozi has lamented the state of the SA media following the publication of a squeamishly erroneous report about the death of his son.
Ringo Madlingozi has been robbed on numerous occasions over the years. Image courtesy: Facebook
The article in question is entitled ‘Madlingozi’s son laid to rest’, published on the Sunday World website and written by a “staff reporter” who states that Madlingozi’s 29-year-old son Ernest has “died of heart complications and kidney failure”.
It goes on to say that the funeral took place on Sunday, and even quotes the musician’s wife Ronel as saying: “I haven’t had any sleep. All the family are here in support.”
Mandlingozi has, however, clarified on Twitter that his son is very much alive and that the funeral he attended was that of his friend’s son.
“There we go again. I HAVEN’T LOST ANY MEMBER OF MY FAMILY. It’s those junos who are not supposed to be journalists. Sick People,” he tweeted on Sunday.
He again took to his account on Monday, by which time news of the supposed death had spread.
Understandably peeved, the muso said: “Damn..People I don’t need these condolences , they are not for me. This Nincompoop Sunday World Journalist needs them, for he’s a fool.”
– TEAMtalk Media
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