A WhatsApp status the actor's wife wrote shortly before his death has raised a few eyebrows.

Christopher Kubheka. Picture: Twitter
The family of the late Christopher ‘Gunman’ Kubheka has come out accusing his widow, Cynthia Khumalo, of knowing a lot more about his death than she is letting on.
They said they found it suspicious that Gunman committed suicide while preparing to leave the couple’s home in Soshanguve, Tshwane.
His aunt, Busi Kgaswane, reportedly told Daily Sun Gunman had spent a week at the family home before his death, saying he had already packed his bags and was about to leave his house.
“This whole thing doesn’t add up. Cynthia should tell us the truth about what happened there,” said Kgaswane.
Khumalo has been accused of abusing her late husband.
The family further said they found Khumalo’s WhatsApp status in which she wrote: “Some people are like clouds. When they disappear, it’s a brighter day,” suspicious, further alleging the hanging was staged.
Gunman was found dead at his home after reportedly hanging himself last week.
Another matter that raised the family’s suspicions was Khumalo’s alleged change of stories. She reportedly said he had killed himself over a nyatsi, and then changed her story to say he was struggling to keep up with child maintenance of his alleged many children, and later said he was depressed because his friend had betrayed him.
His son, Nkosana, disputed the claims made by Khumalo, saying his father would never kill himself over such things. In fact, he was never broke, as he always received an income from his businesses.
Khumalo, however, denied the family’s allegations, saying she had never laid a hand on Gunman. In fact, she claimed they had been “so in love” that Gunnam moved to the family house because he was shooting a new drama closer to their house.
The family should stop blaming her, she told the tabloid.
“It won’t help us. Gunman is the only one who knows why he did what he did. Let him rest in peace,” she was quoted as saying.
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