Celebs And Viral

GoodLuck band members on lessons from newborn daughter during childbirth

GoodLuck band members Juliet Harding and Ben Peters welcomed their baby, Skylar Scout Lulu Peters.

Harding said her newborn daughter has already taught her a lesson or two in her short time on earth.

For months, Harding prepared for a home birth but her daughter seemingly had other plans.


“The concept of a calm, fear-free and empowered birth with a midwifery lead team was (and still is) the perfect idea of how I imagined giving birth,” wrote the singer in a heartfelt post announcing their daughter’s arrival.

“Her birth story was not the one we had planned or expected but it was the one that she needed… Skylar was trying to tell us something the whole week. Thank goodness we were listening,” she said.

ALSO READ: PICS: GoodLuck members, Juliet and Ben, announce pregnancy


Stressful labour

Harding was determined to deliver their child at home despite ostracization for her location of choice for her delivery.

“Then sometimes things don’t go according to plan. And our story, had it not been for the experience and wisdom of our midwife and birth team, could have been very, very different.”

The vocalist’s labour began on a Thursday afternoon, and they discovered a level two meconium when her waters broke.


Their midwife arrived at their home to examine Harding and then consulting with the couple’s gynaecologist over the phone, the decision was made to transfer Harding to a hospital.

“We had been monitoring a build-up of signs in the days before labour… from high glucose in my urine and blood, to the meconium and excess fluid around the baby.


“So when small contractions started, and I mean small! Our little one was already getting very stressed and dropping her heart rate.”

ALSO READ: La Parada keeps mum over mask-less GoodLuck event

Safe landing

Despite her parents’ plans for her arrival going array, Skylar Peters was born healthy coming into the world welcomed by her father’s specially made music playlist.


“She was born, healthy, and safely to a beautiful playlist of songs that Ben had put together and we have been totally infatuated with her ever since,” said Harding.

Lessons learnt

Harding said this experience taught her a lesson in listening.

“To listen, to feel, to tune in, and ultimately to trust that inner voice, and not let my ego or desire to fulfil a plan get in the way…but to surrender to what the process needs to be.”

“It’s safe to say…this control freak has been beautifully schooled by a newborn.”

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