After 26 hours in labour, Faith Nketsi says she is traumatised by her natural birth experience and will opt for a C-section next time.

Faith Nketsi | Picture: Instagram
She hasn’t always been a fan of Twitter, but since getting her own reality show, Faith Nketsi has warmed up to the platform as a way to connect with her fans.
Since giving birth, the reality star has used the platform frequently to share her experience with fans and she recently sparked a conversation about C-sections.
“My birthing experience was horrifying. I remember begging for a C-section at 8cm dilated, I still don’t understand why they didn’t do it,” tweeted Nketsi before adding; “upside: I’m happy I did it naturally, I was up and about like nothing happened the next day. Second baby I’m definitely opting for a C-section.”
“26 hours in labour is enough to make me never ever want to go through that again. Maybe I’ll change my mind one day, who knows. But right now I might still be traumatised hey,” she added.
Her tweet prompted countless women to share their own birth experiences, with many claiming they were still traumatised, years after having their babies.
ALSO READ: Baby Njilo: Faith Nketsi’s best-kept secret
“My last birthing experience was 4 years ago but I’m still traumatised. I’m pregnant again and get panic attacks every now and then when I think about going through that again,” replied @boi_kea.
“I last birthed 18 years ago, I said never again,” said @LamlaLtomsana.
“They were supposed to give you [an] injection for pain if you were at a private hospital,” said @AsoBakhe, to which Faith replied; “Apparently pushing on epidural is the worst because you don’t know what’s going on and you can’t feel anything so I knew I didn’t want that. I gave birth at Genesis.”
RELATED: C-section vs natural birth: Which is better?
“Be glad everything went alright, your baba and you are safe. [My] birth gave me a brain bleed and now living with a stroke and hemiplegia. Never got to hold my baby coz I was paralysed. And I said never again. Today my daughter is 6 and does not know me without a disability,” said @Cruella_de_vil4.
Not all C-sections are bad
With a majority of the people in the comments claiming that C-sections are the worst thing a woman can go through, those who had positive experiences also shared their stories to illustrate that it’s not all bad.
“My C-section was smooth, I was up and moving 8 hours after birth. I don’t know any C-section pain,” tweeted @NozaMbata in Faith Nketsi’s replies.
“Was induced for 3 days, gave birth on the fourth day had an emergency C-section I’ll never go for inducement the pains were unbearable. C-section was the best choice after those pains,” said @mvpmabusa.
“I’ve had 2 C-sections and am about to have my third… it’s the best option ever. I can’t imagine having to push for countless hours as opposed to choosing a date and walking in to have my baby..,” tweeted @MissMinnieVee.
READ NEXT: Are C-sections in South Africa really twice the globally accepted norm?
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