Categories: Celebs And Viral

Emtee’s star is shining brighter

A sensation in the local hip hop world, Emtee is now launching his acting career, and will grace fans with his presence in popular SABC 2 soapie Muvhango very soon, playing the role of Malusi, a young business studies graduate.

“Acting has always been something I wanted to pursue. To be honest, I was never trained in it, but I’m prepared to learn as I go along. It’s a huge deal for me. I don’t have a higher education background. I went as far as matric, but I fell in love with acting at a young age. I want to explore it to make a living and support my mom and family,” he told Sunday World recently.

The muso, who recently scooped four Metro FM Music awards, is said to also be shooting a documentary about his life in between being on the Muvhango set, and furthermore launching a clothing line. The 23-year-old also says he hopes to get more acting jobs and in future branch into presenting as well.