Categories: Celebs And Viral

Blake Lively credits figure to chocolate

The Gossip Girl actress never deprives herself of anything and thinks her penchant for sweet treats – which she consumes for breakfast and as an evening snack – helps her stay slim and confident.

Asked if she follows a strict regime, Blake said: “I do nothing! I’m lucky to have a very active lifestyle, I’m always running around everywhere… So I don’t need to hire a coach or watch what I eat. I can’t start my day off without a mug of hot chocolate or finishing off the day with a few squares of dark chocolate… It keeps me feeling happy.”

Blake Lively – who has just been unveiled at the new face of L’Oreal Paris – says her glowing complexion is down to wearing high factor sunscreen every single day.

She explained: “I follow a very simple regime which is broken down into three steps: make-up removal, skincare and UV protection – I’m absolutely obsessed with it.

“My beauty must have is L’Oreal’s BB Cream with SPF 30 – I never ever wear anything less than that factor.”

When she’s feeling down, Blake says her perfect pick-me-up is a spa session as she always emerges feeling more relaxed and attractive.

The 26-year-old blonde revealed in an interview with French Vogue magazine: “Getting a massage, if possible at the Mandarin Oriental spa in New York, which I love. I always feel much more beautiful afterwards…”

– TeamTalk