Consider these three things before making a career change.
There are a few factors one needs to consider before taking the decision to change careers. Picture: iStock
For many, career desires change over time. Some people want better salaries, some want a new challenge, while others want to pursue different careers.
Caroline Kilbey, Head of Strategic Relations at Strider Digital says people have been quitting their jobs because they want to try something new. However, she advises people to consider a few things before making the switch.
She says one needs to consider a few things before leaving their current job. These include making sure the timing is right for a change, figuring out what they would like to do next and they must also be willing to upskill.
“A change of career often involves a full lifestyle change. The new direction could see you earning less money initially, working different hours and dealing with a completely different workforce.”
She says before changing a job or a career, you need to be sure if it is something you want to do. Some people confuse having a couple of bad weeks at work, with the constant feeling of fulfilment.
“Everyone has good and bad weeks at work. But some people have every work day leaving them feeling drained”
People who seek a drastic change have a hunger for growth, a thirst for a new challenge, seek a better work-life balance or conclude that they entered their current industry or job for the wrong reasons.
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Kilbey says the best place to start when figuring out what you would like to do next, is by reflecting on your values, strengths, weaknesses, and interests. Those four will guide you into what your next steps should be. “Important questions you should ask yourself is where do your passions lie? What makes you tick? Is there something you’ve always wanted to do?”
Before taking the next step, it is important to research properly how your desires would fit into a new role and into the industry you would be joining.
“Take time to explore your options, look into potential new careers, make an effort to network with professionals in the fields that interest you and get your reading hours in to fully understand what your transition may entail.”
She advises people to get informed and find out exactly what is happening within the job market in their area. This would help with giving them an idea of any of the needs or trends that align with their interests, goals or work-life balance plan.
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She says after making a decision on which path to follow, it is imperative to figure out how it could fit within your current skillset. It is also important to look at what additional skills you could get to help you transition into your new role.
“And if you find that your new direction will require you to develop more job-specific hard skills, like proficiency in a range of software programs for example, it is crucial to consider the value of certifications, online courses and the like.”
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