Now that we can travel again for the summer holidays, it is important to remember about all the precautions you need, such as travel insurance.
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If you are planning to travel, you should have a checklist of things you have to do, such as taking out travel insurance and knowing how much money you can use when you travel abroad.
It is important to know how to ensure you are covered when you travel over the festive season, as the end of the year typically sees an increase in domestic and international travel, with many South Africans using the school holidays and the festive period to explore and discover new destinations.
It is possible that international travel will now move closer to pre-pandemic levels once again after years of travel plans being severely curtailed by pandemic restrictions. Many people are now choosing to dust off their travelling shoes and venture abroad again.
However, while South Africans might be excited about their upcoming travels, it is important for them to remember to have travel insurance on their checklist of necessities before going away, Karen Rimmer, head: of distribution at PSG Insure, says.
“When the travel bug bites, whether you are travelling locally or internationally, it may be easy to forget that travelling comes with its fair share of unforeseen eventualities that may prove costly if you are not adequately prepared.”
ALSO READ: Travel insurance in the time of corona
Travel insurance helps you mitigate the risks around travelling, such as loss or theft of your luggage, flight or trip cancellation, medical costs, death and disability and personal liability. Rimmer says you have to take out travel insurance before embarking on a journey.
The pandemic highlighted the importance of travel insurance and there are some important aspects that travellers should be aware of, as cover is not available in all cases. While some banks provide complimentary travel cover when you buy airline tickets using a credit card, these policies usually only cover a specific scope of travel expense mainly focussed on limited medical cover and not baggage loss or cancellation costs.
Rimmer therefore recommends that travellers take out additional cover as a “top-up” to cover other eventualities and particularly sufficient medical cover.
“A comprehensive travel insurance policy will even cover the cost of airlifting should you need to be transported by helicopter to the nearest hospital”
This kind of cover is particularly important on trips to outlying areas or regions that are difficult to reach with a vehicle and includes hiking or skiing trips, as well as island visits and sea voyages.
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Rimmer warns that there are a few standard exclusions that people have to be aware of:
The premium will be influenced by a number of factors, including:
“The exclusions, as well as the conditions of each policy, will vary greatly from case to case and therefore, it is important to talk to you travel adviser ahead of time and discuss aspects such as your itinerary, whether family members are accompanying you and any illnesses that you must consider,” says Rimmer.
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“There are a number of financial considerations that you have to keep in mind from an offshore-spend perspective, including individual allowances that South African residents have to comply with from an exchange control perspective,” Chantal Robertson, head of cross-border advice at FNB, says.
According to the current rules, SA resident individuals (18 years and older) are entitled to:
Robertson says a simple way to manage these limits when travelling with your partner is to ensure that you use both allowances. If you use up your allowance or get close to it, consider to:
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