Educating children is expensive. With children entering the schooling system young, these costs often begin well before you’ve been able to save up for them.
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So, what can you do to ensure that your children receive the education that dreams are made of while being able to sufficiently fund it? Especially if, at some point, you’re not around to see it through with them?
Life insurance provides the solution.
Discovery Life offers a tailored benefit intended to help parents and guardians protect their ability to fund children’s education costs.
“Discovery Life’s Global Education Protector has cover for every stage of an entire education career built into its structure,” says Discovery Life Deputy Chief Executive, Gareth Friedlander.
“This offers appropriate support that goes beyond covering necessities within a family home. It’s holistic cover specifically for education needs.”
“So, if you as a parent or guardian experience a life-changing event and become unable to earn an income, such a benefit is capable of taking care of a child’s education costs,” he explains further.
What are some of the advantages to having an education benefit on your life insurance plan?
“Discovery Life’s Global Education Protector Benefit offers all these varieties of benefits and so much more. For us, this embodies our Shared-value proposition,” says Friedlander.
“The Shared-value mechanism includes a built-in University Funder Benefit. Clients automatically receive an accumulation of up to 10% of a child’s tertiary tuition fees at the start of a policy. In line with a client’s Vitality status, the funding percentage increases for each year that the policy is in force.
“So, when you as a client make every effort to be healthier, the policy rewards you and can fund up to 100% of your child’s tertiary tuition costs if you don’t claim,” he explains.
“Another Shared-value mechanism is the Bursary CashBack Benefit, which pays out if your child qualifies for and receives a bursary. This is a great way to reward them for their achievements.”
“An education protector benefit offers many advantages over and above a standard but comprehensive life insurance plan. It effectively provides a family the opportunity to protect education funding needs from the kinds of risks that could severely impact it.
“This way, future ambitions remain alive and well,” comments Friedlander.
For more insights, listen in to our podcast: ‘How Life Insurance can help to Secure your Child’s Education’ (episode 9 of Discovery’s Your Money Matters series with Bruce Whitfield)
Discovery Life Limited. Registration number 1966/003901/06, is a licensed life insurer, and an authorised financial services and registered credit provider, NCR Reg No. NCRCP3555. Product rules, terms and conditions apply. Payouts are subject to limits set by Discovery.
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