Weather Weather update: Storm surges, damaging winds, waves and disruptive snow across several regions
South Africa Daily news update: Zizi Kodwa resigns as minister | Thabo Bester spills beans | Inside the ANC’s coalition talks
South Africa Daily news update: Inadequate GBV measures by justice department | ‘NEC not divided over coalition talks’ | Attack on KZN family over Palestine support
Weather Weather update: Disruptive rain and flooding in Eastern Cape, storm surges and damaging winds along the coast
South Africa Daily news update: ‘ANC, DA, IFP likely to form coalition’ | Tornado hits KZN | Nelson Mandela Bay floods
South Africa Daily news update: Inexperienced workers contributed to voting stations problems | Vote counting complete | EFF single vote in Orania
Elections ELECTIONS 2024 LIVE UPDATES: A second day of voting will not happen despite glitches, long queues
South Africa Daily news update: Mpumalanga ballot box tampering arrests | Three charged in Ditebogo murder | SCA dismisses ‘kill the boer’ appeal