Family feud reveals sordid secrets

ALEXANDRA - A family feud between a mother and daughter has resulted in revelation of a secret they would have taken to their graves.

A FAMILY feud between a mother and daughter has resulted in the revelation of a secret they would have taken to their graves.

The Ext 7 family is split with the daughter now renting in Ext 8. This after Geraldine Rakubu, said her mom, Brenda Rakubu, was withholding Geraldine’s child support grant without her permission.

The unemployed daughter said this makes it difficult to transport her child to school and to support her other needs. She also said her mother refuses to hand over her grandchild’s clothes, birth certificate and clinic card. Brenda, she said, vowed over her dead body that she wouldn’t let Geraldine access the grant which the mom claimed would be used to buy drugs and to further her daughter’s prostitution.

Geraldine, however, said she doesn’t drink or take drugs and said she is no prostitute and claimed to be supported by her boyfriend and friends.

“My mother, an avowed Christian, surprisingly perpetuates these lies among her church members and the public, and in doing so, has soiled the family name,” said Geraldine. The daughter alleged the soured relationship started in 2010 after she gave birth to a stillborn baby at home who, she claimed, the mother ordered be buried in the yard to conceal the birth and save her mother from shame and embarrassment in front of her church members.

She said the mother built rooms next to the concealed grave and rents them together with other rooms in the main house.

“She wanted me out… [and] rents the place as part of her money-making scheme which she wants to benefit from alone.” She added that an uncle had tried but failed to reconcile the family. She also claimed her father separated from her mother due to difficulties in their relationship.

The mother, who sobbed when asked, said her Christian values would never allow her to do the things her daughter claims. She said her daughter was into drugs and alcohol, and withholding the grant was in the interests of the grandchild. She said she had only done so since January with help from her church’s lawyers. She claimed was in the process of opening an account for the grandchild to support her transport and other needs.

“My daughter was a street kid for years and taken to foster homes where she ran away.” She confirmed the burial, but claimed the daughter and her boyfriend buried the dead baby. “Geraldine left home of her own accord and now wants me arrested for acts I didn’t do.”

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