Residents discouraged about informal settlement

No solution has yet been found to the illegal, informal settlement in Second Avenue, Alberton North

THE RECORD has been inundated with complaints over a number of years (since 2011) about the ‘squatters’ in the General Department of Education (GDE) buildings at Stand number 1/1224 : Number 42 in Second Avenue, Alberton North.

This informal settlement has been a thorn in the side of residents for many years. During a visit to the ‘squatter camp’ on Wednesday, May 11 one of the residents said that they have been without water for more than seven months. “There is no sanitation due to not having water. We also struggle with sewage,” he said. When the newspaper asked him about the drugs, he replied and said that the drugs are not being sold in the camps, but they know of people who sell it outside. Residents who live nearby raised a few issues such as the loud music, squatters getting drunk and disorderly, fights, drugs and people who are defecating outside as there are no toilets.

In an effort to get to the root of the problem the RECORD spoke to different entities to find a solution and some answers.

Alberton Police:

Q: What is being done about complaints about drugs and dealing in drugs from the property, the illegal shebeen on the property and immigrants with no legal documents living here?

Apparently a number of cases have just gone cold with Alberton SAPS although Germiston SAPS have made arrests in this regard?

A: Sgt Phora Nkuna, communication officer said that an operation was conducted on the said premises and a foreign national was arrested for dealing with drugs and the case is with the court. He further stated that another crime intelligence driven operation is still being planned for drug dealings, illegal shebeens and also to check on illegal immigrants. All foreign nationals without valid documents were arrested.

“We have no information from the complainant as to which cases is referred to when said cases have gone cold. If more information can be provided with those cases we will be able to respond correctly, maybe if we can get case numbers or names of complainants or identity numbers.”

Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM):

Q: What is done about the following complaints:

-the constant noise

-sewers being blocked

-needles and sharp objects all over which pose a health risk

-the illegal shebeen on the property

-vehicles being repaired on the property

-sub-letting of the property by people living there and making money from something owned by the GDE

– is sub-letting not prohibited within the by-laws of EMM?

Where is the health department, traffic department and all other departments in Ekurhuleni which should enforce the by-laws?

A: Themba Gadebe, spokesperson/senior media manager, told the RECORD that the concern raised regarding the informal dwelling in the GDE buildings in Second Avenue, Alberton North has been referred to Council’s corporate and legal service department for legal action to be taken. Environmental health-related contraventions will also be assessed.

General Department of Education (GDE):

Q: What is being done about these people living on GDE property, with the GDE footing the bill for electricity, water and services and more importantly, the danger it poses for the pre-school adjacent to this property?

Q: What steps have been taken to remove the illegal inhabitants from GDE property?

Q: Have any steps been taken about the subletting of the property by people living there and making money from something owned by the GDE?

The RECORD had not received any comment from the GDE by the time of going to press.

Dead end:

Clr. Bruna Haipel, Ward 37 councillor, said that she have been battling with this issue for a long time with not much success. “The latest effort has now been to send questions to legislature and MEC,” said Bruna.

According to councillor Izak Berg this is an ongoing problem where the blame keeps on passing to the next person. He also said that one of his big concerns is that SAPS seems to be turning a blind eye towards the drug problem in this area.

The RECORD welcomes any comment from residents in the area and will keep our readers updated with feedback from results of EMM’s legal department, SAPS’ planned operations and the GDE’s responses. Comments can be forwarded to or

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