Thando Nondlwana

By Thando Nondywana

News Reporter

ANC ‘outsmarted’ in GNU, says analyst

Political analyst Thobani Zikalala claims the ANC misjudged the GNU agreement, giving the DA significant power.

The ANC thought it could dictate to parties in the government of national unity (GNU), but has been “outsmarted”.

This is according to political analyst Thobani Zikalala, who said many in the ANC and its youth league (ANCYL) were in denial of what the true understanding of the GNU’s statement of intent meant.

“I think they will need to go through that document again, maybe with renewed consultation with new parties joining in, to try and do the document so that it speaks to what they are saying. But currently, what the document is, is what [Democratic Alliance federal council chair] Helen Zille and [ex-DA leader] Tony Leon said.

‘DA holds significant power and influence’

“The document shows that among the partners in the GNU, the DA holds significant power and influence based on the clause that says there must be 60% consensus of National Assembly seats,” said Zikalala.

“ANC cannot do that without the DA or with the current parties in the formation – the [Pan Africanist Congress] PAC, Inkatha Freedom Party [IFP] and Good Party – because it still would not meet the threshold.

ALSO READ: ‘Could be tonight, tomorrow or Saturday’ – ANC’s chief whip on cabinet announcement

“It brings the question of why the DA was so adamant not being in the position to work with either of the [uMkhonto weSizwe MK party or [Economic Freedom Fighters] EFF, it wanted to maintain its power and influence.”

Zikalala argued that the ANC could have done this differently, and entered into a coalition where it took the executive, diminishing the possibility of consultations with these parties.

“We will see with the appointments of the Cabinet, as we see the DA already playing its hand in terms of its significance and which positions they want.

“This will tell us who has the true influence.”

ANCYL president joined chorus attacking the DA

ANCYL president Collen Malatji joined the chorus of voices attacking the DA over Zille’s utterances. “The ANC invited parties to come into the GNU, now the president of the ANC still has powers to decide who he wants where,” he said yesterday.

ALSO READ: ‘We can’t be told by them that Mashatile is corrupt’ – ANCYL leader on DA

“But there is no discussion that is going to happen, where other parties who come into this government must make decisions for the president of the ANC. Those powers have not been given out, those are the power of the president of the ANC, who is the president of the country.”

Malatji insisted the president still had the power and prerogative to make decisions on any parties joining the GNU and the Cabinet.

Allocation of ministerial posts the sole prerogative of the president

Legal expert Deon Pool said although there was a need for consultation in the GNU, the allocation of ministerial posts was the sole prerogative of the president.

“If [Cyril] Ramaphosa stays the president, he will be able to appoint members to his Cabinet with, and in consultation with, the structures in the ANC as per normal and then, of course, the other parties, their representatives and so on.

“That is what the constitution allows him to do,” he said.

ALSO READ: Could ANC and other GNU parties ‘gang up’ on the DA? Tony Leon clears the air