
Ten easy ways to speed up weight loss

Loose weight quickly

Busy lifestyles are taking it’s toll on people everyday and weight gain is a reality that affects people’s health.

The following ten easy steps will speed up weight loss and fit into everyone’s daily activities.

1. Eat more smaller meals

By eating smaller meals more frequently will speed up metabolism and burn more calories.

Eating every three to four hours also prevents overeating or eating the wrong types of food.

Ideal snacks include fruit, low fat natural yogurt, nuts and seeds, salads or a small can of tuna in water on whole grain crackers.

2. Eat soup before meals

Soup is based on water and has the effect of filling up the stomach before a meal, meaning one will tend to eat less.

Many soups are low in calories and therefore an ideal way to fill up without consuming too much extra energy.

For the most nutritious option, choose soups based on vegetables or clear broths rather than creamy versions.

3. Add weight training to workout

If one’s muscle mass increases, one burns more calories at rest.

Incorporate some form of resistance training into your workout along with cardio exercises.

Lifting weights, using resistance bands or even just using one’s own body weight can all be beneficial in increasing muscle mass and resting energy expenditure.

This means burning more calories when at rest, which helps to speed up weight loss.

4. Increase workout intensity

High intensity workouts have been shown to burn more calories in a shorter time period than steady state workouts.

5. Move more

Every time you move you burn calories.

If you feel you do not have the time or energy to work out more, try to add more incidental exercise into your life to speed up your weight loss.

Walk up stairs, leave the car at home and cycle or walk to work or the shops, play with the kids in the park, clean the house or even fidget in your seat at work.

These activities all help to burn more calories.

6. Change workouts

The body adapts quickly to routines and by doing the same workout one will burn fewer calories.

Try a different sport or add in some new resistance exercises or high intensity intervals.

7. Eat more water-based foods

Foods with high water content tend to be lower in calories.

When dieting, the thought of eating less to speed up weight loss can be a daunting prospect and can also leave one hungry.

But by increasing the intake of water-based foods such as fruit, vegetables and soups and cutting back on foods with a higher energy density, one can still eat plenty and get the nutrients needed while at the same time taking in fewer calories.

8. Drink more water

Drinking plenty of water is essential for a healthy body, healthy skin and for weight loss.

Being well hydrated speeds up the metabolic rate, meaning one burns calories more efficiently and it also fills one up without contributing any unwanted energy to the diet.

9. Ditch unconscious eating

Nibbling leftovers from the fridge, licking the bowl while baking or eating the scraps from the children’s plates all contribute extra calories and should be avoided where possible.

Keep a food record of everything that goes into your mouth for a week to pick up on any potential problem areas that might be slowing down your weight loss.

10. Set eating challenges

By setting eating guidelines and challenges one can stay in control of weight loss and even give it a bit of a boost.

If you find yourself often reaching for seconds, make a rule that you will only allow yourself a second portion once a week.

If you don’t eat enough vegetables, challenge yourself to eat a salad every day for a week.

By setting achievable challenges you will be motivated to continue, and this motivation can help you reach your goal more quickly.



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