
Ngwelezana youth celebrate heritage

Mission to unearth local talent

POETRY, Zulu dance and theatre productions were the order of the day during Heritage Day celebrations at the Ngwelazana hall last week.

Organised by the Insikayentsha Youth Project, the one day event saw various local artists battling it out for the honours.

Poet S’thembele Mabanga on stage
Photos: Wiseman Mthiyane

Insikayentsha Youth Project Chairperson, Thanduxolo Zulu, said the intention was to unearth and showcase local talent while commemorating the life of the founder of the Zulu nation, King Shaka.

Judges Siphokuhle Sibiya and Mdumiseni Dube had a tough time deciding who the winners were

‘This programme was targeting the youth of Ngwelezana and surrounding areas, especially those still at school. We had learners from Nongweleza High School, Khombindlela High School and Ziphozonke High School.

‘For too long our youth have become despondent and have resorted to crime and other social ills as an easy way out owing to lack of entertainment platforms such as this. Through this programme we intend promoting art and culture throughout Ngwelezana.

MC Sphamandla Ndabayakhe with poet Ndabenhle Ngcobo

‘We also extend an invitation to all other young people who are still loitering around aimlessly in our streets, but who have a passion for arts, to come forward,’ said Zulu.

Hip Hop artist Igwe gave a stunning performance

‘We founded this project in 2011 as a means to get the youth off the streets, but we still don’t have a youth centre for our gatherings.

Philile Ndlovu recites a poem

‘In other areas such as Durban there are many youth centres where the youth gather to showcase their arts and cultural skills. At the moment we are using a garage at home for rehearsals. We appeal to our local municipalities to come to our rescue,’ he said.

Zulu can be contacted on 078 576 8032.

The Insikayentsha group on stage


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