Editor's note

Traffic cops must hit the highway

Red robots and stop signs don’t even cause a slowdown. They are meaningless

NOT a week goes by without this newspaper reporting on some horrific accident that claimed the lives of victims whose loved ones’ hearts were shattered in an instant.

The ‘usual culprits’ are to be found at these death scenes: high speed, reckless driving (including dicing), alcohol and drug influence and unlicensed drivers behind the wheel.

Sadly, many fatalities are youths, often crashing around dawn after all night raves – and many times in the same places, known accident hot spots.

Campaign after campaign fails to reduce the toll; warnings go unheeded; the bloody toll rises day by day.

On top of this, we uncover illegal roadworthy certificates for sale, allowing death traps to share the roads with those who drive with caution and obedience to the law.

As with crime, there is only one viable solution: visible policing.

The fact of the matter is, most drivers have no respect for traffic rules.

Red robots and stop signs don’t even cause a slowdown. They are meaningless.

Since speed traps (other than on the N2) seem to be a thing of the past, more people are taking advantage, knowing there is unlikely to be a traffic ticket or summons in the post.

When last were breathalysers used at any accident scene?

Traffic officials do not seem especially motivated to chase after law breakers. One sees them turn a blind eye to offences occurring under their noses.

Are they an unhappy bunch? Are they unenthusiastic about their jobs, merely filling in time until the day ends?

Other than at roadblocks, they are rarely seen – unless it is escorting a heavy load or accompanying some self-important blue light brigade politician.

They need to out there, seeing and being seen.

We want to hear sirens wailing as they chase after the guy weaving in and out of traffic, or after the one who gets colour blind when the lights turn red.

We want them pulling over the reckless driver and impounding the unroadworthy vehicle.

Quite simply, the traffic cops need to be out in the traffic.

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