
eShowe digital media man on the rise

This young star on the rise is taking the digital world by storm

EMBRACING new age trends has definitely opened doors for Zululand’s new media artist Simphiwe Xulu (29), and now this lover of all things art is living his dream.

This Fine Arts graduate of eShowe has been nominated as a board member of the National Arts Council (NAC) – the youngest candidate for the position.

The selection was based on public nominations, followed by a review by the current council leadership.

However, this was not the only good news for the founder of MrMediaX and the man behind the ‘selfie artist’ concept – selfies taken with artwork.

He was recently selected as one of the top three creatives from Africa who are innovative in the digital space.


He underwent a four-week residency at the Fakugesi African Innovation Festival in Johannesburg, along with Regina Kgatle and Vuya Chaza from Zimbabwe.

During the residency, the trio created the Mambokadzi African Playing Cards – a deck of playing cards designed and based on African symbols and ideology.

‘These cards also come with an app which allows for an increased reality learning experience when you scan the cards with your phone or tablet.

‘We are looking for funding to take these cards to market next year,’ he said.

Not only is this young star on the rise taking the digital world by storm in South Africa, he is also spreading his wings across the continent.

He will be part of the 2017 Digital Exhibition in Zimbabwe where he will also shoot a short documentary.

Simphiwe’s work has been exhibited at the KZNSA Art Gallery and the Menzi Mchunu Gallery at the BAT Centre in Durban and other areas.


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