
ARC fleet swept off their feet

‘I can safely say this is the best yacht club anywhere we have visited.’

THE crews of 17 yachts moored in Richards Bay for the past two weeks are unanimous that the Zululand Yacht Club is the best – and the people of this region the friendliest – of all their global destinations.

Taking part in the transatlantic World ARC (Atlantic Rally for Cruisers) race, they will have completed a 26 000 nautical mile trade wind circumnavigation of the earth by the time their journey is complete.

‘We are bowled over by the reception we received,’ said ARC Director, Victor Taburiaux.


‘From our arrival when every boat was greeted with a bottle of champagne regardless of what time of night they came in, to the assistance with the customs formalities and practical help offered every day, this has been a special stopover.

‘I can safely say this is the best yacht club anywhere we have visited.’

Besides seeing all the local attractions, the fleet was treated to a super potjie dinner at their prize giving on Friday evening, with world class entertainment and the hilarious ‘bokdrolspoeg’ competition.

The boats are waiting for a favourable weather window before sailing for Cape Town and onwards to Brazil and the Caribbean in the New Year.


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