
Local heavies behind anti-bullying campaign

What started as an online only initiative, has now been expanded to print as well

BULLYING at primary and high school level has made headlines recently.

This has prompted former Zululander Anesh Singh to start a campaign, which combats this ugly phenomenon.

Local businesses have also thrown their weight behind the campaign in order to get the message out.

What started as an online only initiative, has now been expanded to print as well, so as to broaden its reach, thus having maximum impact.

Singh and those backing ‘Stop Bullying’ recently got together at the Umfolozi Casino Resort to celebrate the first printed feature of the campaign.

A few of those who want to put a stop to bullying in schools are Ameen Mahhomed of Stop Bullying, Darwain Printing Manager Deon Zeelie, Umfolozi Casino Resort General Manager Pam Nagappa, Stop Bullying founder Anesh Singh and Stop Bullying's Siphesihle Kunene
A few of those who want to put a stop to bullying in schools are Ameen Mahhomed of Stop Bullying, Darwain Printing Manager Deon Zeelie, Umfolozi Casino Resort General Manager Pam Nagappa, Stop Bullying founder Anesh Singh and Stop Bullying’s Siphesihle Kunene

The eight-page leaflet will be distributed to rural schools where the online version is not as accessible as in urban areas.

Mining giant Tronox has already signed up to sponsor a second edition and the Umfolozi Casino Resort is giving away a bicycle in a competition which is open to all primary school children.

Singh would also like to convey his thanks to all the companies which have contributed to the campaign’s success.

Readers, who feel this issue lies close to their hearts, can log onto www.stopbullying.co.za to learn more about the campaign and also to sign up if they wish to become actively involved.


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