Are you the next cupcake guru?

The confectionary will be judged on creativity, originality and overall appearance

DO your cupcakes send the family into salivation overdrive?

Do they stop traffic at your child’s cake sale?

Then the annual Femnet Cupcake Guru competition is the place at which to seek fame this year.

Set to take place on Saturday, 12 November at Dolfyntjie Pre-School in Higgs Road, Empangeni, it is open to all amateur and professional bakers.

The theme is ‘A Cupcake for Ladies Tea’ and you are asked to bring along one dozen prepared and decorated cupcakes in either vanilla or chocolate to the venue at 10.30am on the day. Judging takes place at noon.

Cupcakes should be medium or large sized, and no petite cupcakes will be entered.

The confectionary will be judged on creativity, originality and overall appearance.

The entry fee is R50, and the event is open to the public, who will assist the judges in making their final decision, before being able to purchase any of the cupcakes on display.

All proceeds will be used to support the Femnet charity projects, and all entries must be pre-registered before Saturday.

For further information and entry forms, email

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