Zini festival is music to Hospice’s ears

These funds will enable the non-profit organisation to continue with their great work in the area

Although the Zini Music Festival offered a great line-up of South African artists and musicians, the emphasis is that all revenue from the event was handed to Zululand Hospice.

These funds will enable the non-profit organisation to continue with their great work in the area.

Over the years, Zululand Hospice has tirelessly continued to provide palliative care to community members suffering from various illnesses.

However, to continue caring for these patients support from the community is extremely important.

As a non-government and a nonprofit organisation, they rely on the community to keep the doors open.

‘Every day our team travels around the City of uMhlathuze to reach patients. We provide care to people suffering from cancer, TB or HIV,’ said Zululand Hospice public relations officer, Tatum Bristow.

‘Our service includes giving baths to patients, cleaning houses and providing counselling and education to patients and their families,’

The team also helps patients with walking frames, wheelchairs and hospital beds.

They also hand out food, clothes and blankets to those in need.

‘However, medication, equipment, food and all necessities can be costly. Support from our community is the only way we can continue with our work,’ said Bristow.

‘When someone is in pain whether physically, emotionally or spiritually we provide care. It’s not to make a profit but because our fellow human being deserves comfort, counselling, care, compassion and dignity,’

To boost the hospice, the Zini Music Festival has decided to show their support by donating all gate takings from the event.


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