Don’t break your heart

World Heart Day is a global event which takes place on 29 September every year

WORLD Heart Day was founded in the year 2000 to inform people around the globe that heart disease and strokes are the world’s leading causes of death, accounting for almost a fifth of deaths in SA.

Some of these related risks factors in adults are outlined as: 18% of the population smoke tobacco; 11 litres of pure alcohol consumed per person; 1 in 3 South African adults (33.7%) have hypertension (which can increase risk of heart attack, heart failure, kidney disease or stroke); and 31.3% adults in South Africa are obese.

Heart and blood vessel disease – also called heart disease – include numerous problems, many of which are related to a process called arteriosclerosis.

Arteriosclerosis is a condition that develops when plaque (made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood) builds up in the walls of the arteries.

This build up narrows the arteries, making it harder for blood to flow through.

If a blood clot forms, it can stop the blood flow, which can cause a heart attack or stroke.

Preventative measures you can take to lower your risk of heart disease:

Quit smoking – Smoking damages the lining of your arteries, leading to a build-up of fatty tissue which narrows the artery.

Manage and control your blood sugar – Diabetes itself is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

Also, many people with diabetes have other conditions that increase their chance of developing heart disease and stroke.

Get your blood pressure under control – High blood glucose levels over time can lead to increased deposits of fatty materials on the insides of the blood vessel walls.

These deposits may affect blood flow, increasing the chance of clogging and hardening of blood vessels.

Lower your cholesterol – Eat foods that are lower in fats and higher in fibre.

Know your family history – One risk factor for heart disease and stroke is having a family history of heart disease.

Stay active – lose weight and eat healthier.

Physical exercise is great to get that heart pumping and blood flowing.

Simple walks around the garden after dinner for 20 minutes a day, a morning jog, taking out the garbage, get your jig on with your favourite song, and using the stairs instead of the lift all contribute to a stronger, more productive heart.

Being overweight is a common factor many people face, especially with heart disease.

It is hard to maintain a healthy eating plan and to lose weight without motivation and help.


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