Road upgrades warmly appreciated

We must give credit where it is due. Thank you.

WHILE there may well be temporary inconvenience, we note with appreciation a number of significant road works presently being undertaken in the region.

Local business has often repeated the truism that ‘wealth does not create roads; roads create wealth’.

In addition to facilitating industrial, business, tourism and normal commuter access and convenience, good roads also boost safety.

This is a major factor as the average car driver shares the roads with slower moving heavy trucks, commercial vehicles, buses and taxis.

The South African National Roads Agency is currently spending R1.4-billion on upgrading the N2 between Mtunzini and Empangeni – and this without any additional tolling.

Week by week, progress on this project is discernable and we look forward to completion on schedule.

The same can be said for the P700 route linking Empangeni to Ulundi via Ntambanana.

For years travelling through this area has been a nightmare, with danger to drivers and passengers, damage to vehicles and routes becoming impassable in inclement weather.

Work is also progressing well on two major intersections that over time have claimed numerous lives and caused severe traffic congestion and rising tempers.

One is the infamous Mtubatuba/N2 junction; the other is at Eteza, where major construction is at an advanced stage.

One must add to this list the excellent work being done on urban roads, with Empangeni’s Main Road a prime example.

Operating mainly at night to minimise traffic disruption, the contractors have literally smoothed the way for motorists, and potholes are becoming few and far between.

The same can be said of Alton, where swift progress has made a huge difference to arterial roads carrying heavy traffic burdens.

Well done to the various authorities responsible for ensuring vital infrastructure is being constructed and repaired.

The public is always quick to complain or to speak of ‘election promises’, so it is pleasing to see taxpayers’ and ratepayers’ money being used to good effect.

We must give credit where it is due. Thank you.

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