Bumper SANCA anti-drug walk nears

Don't miss this year's Walk Away From Drugs with Sanca

THE date is rapidly nearing for the 10th annual SANCA/Bay Watch ‘Walk Away from Drugs’ event and all the plans are in place to make this a bumper occasion.

The popular public participation event will take place on 3 September and will follow the traditional route from the Zululand Yacht Club to Naval Island and return, with colourful fun along the way.

With a number of buses having been sponsored to ferry pupils from Empangeni, Mandlazini and Mzingazi, organisers are hoping for entries to exceed one thousand.

A computer courtesy of South32 and a computer desk from the RBIDZ will be among the awards on offer, along with numerous lucky draw prizes and other handouts, with medals going to those who complete the walk.

‘A number of special activities are planned, both to show the seriousness of drug and alcohol abuse as well as to show how much fun can be had in leading a more fulfilling, drug-free life,’ said SANCA Chairman Bheki Gumbi.

‘The day is open to anyone at a minimal donation of R10 for adults and R5 for pupils.

‘I want to stress that this is not a race, but a casual opportunity to have fun and take a stand against drugs.’

The event will also include an online Miss and Mr SANCA competition, which depart from the normal glamour and beauty aspects and instead look for the best anti-drug slogans and ideas.

Any person wanting more information can call the SANCA office on 035 7723290.


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