Fireworks injury a lesson to all

Behind the immediate misfortune of the incident is the oft-repeated but seldom heeded caution of the potency of modern-day fireworks.

OUR previous edition carried the front page story of a shopkeeper who, sadly and unfortunately, lost two fingers during a robbery.

The victim, in an attempt to ward off men who were bashing their way into the store, lobbed a high powered firework through the window.

Unfortunately, it rebounded off the burglar bars and exploded in his hand as he tried to fend it off.
The effect was graphically illustrated by the photographs – both the severed fingers and the pained expression on Mr Afzal’s face.

This was deliberately portrayed to carry across a serious message and warning.
Behind the immediate misfortune of the incident is the oft-repeated but seldom heeded caution of the potency of modern-day fireworks.

As can be seen from this real life incident, many are in fact explosive devices – mini hand grenades, if you like.
It reinforces calls from the likes of the SPCA for the banning of all explosive-type fireworks.

(The terrible noise effect on petrified animals is a separate but equally important issue.)
There are by-laws that govern the sale and use of fireworks, drafted for good reason.

However, these are seldom abided by; nor is there much enforcement of these by-laws.
Reckless use of fireworks regularly results in reports of pain and suffering.

Year after year, this newspaper and others go through the meaningless cycle of issuing warnings by authorities before ‘celebrations’ such as Guy Fawkes, Diwali and New Year.

These are ignored, and thereafter, we publish reports of blatant disregard for life and limb, whether it is animals or humans.

One cringes to imagine the damage – or worse – that would be caused by a ‘big bang’ thrown into a child’s face.
Mr Afzal will carry the effects of his unfortunate incident for the rest of his life.

We wish him well in his recovery.
And we trust that painful picture will remain in people’s minds next time they think of buying or using these potent explosive devices.

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