Today is Lost Sock Memorial Day…and it’s serious business

Foot warmers, unanswered questions why you should be treating your socks better

TAKE some time out from your hectic schedule today to remember all the fallen heroes that have gone missing over the years.

When they go, they leave behind loneliness and despair and a single sock without a mate to mourn forever more.

Yes, today is Lost Sock Memorial Day…and today you should be thankful for the pairs you still have, and remember those that have departed.


Since the invention of the sock way back in the 8th Century, one question has stood the test of time.

Where do lost socks go?

No amount of scientific or philosophical scrutiny has ever given us a definitive answer.

But, if you had to stop and think about  it, socks are generally the most abused clothing item you possess.

How would you feel if you were shut in a dark, moist and smelly space for 12 hours at a time, stood on, torn and stretched every single day?

Pretty soon, you’d be praying for greener pastures.


Like this guy, chillin’ like a villain on some beach.

But yes. Losing a sock sucks. We all know that having a new pair of matching socks on underneath your fancy new kicks somehow makes you feel like a million bucks.


Then again, some socks are better off lost.

You know that pair, the pair that could at any time get up and walk out all by themselves.

They’re old, they have several ‘ventilation holes’ and no amount of washing can completely remove the faint foot odour.

But, they are the most comfortable pair you have and somehow you just can’t bring yourself to chuck them out.

And then, one disappears. You cry, drink a few glasses of wine and carry on with your life.

Honestly though, it’s probably better this way.

So, stop mistreating your foot warmers – they are important too.


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