Facts about vodka you probably didn’t know

Can you believe vodka used to be called flavourless?

IN certain parts of the world, today will be celebrated as Vodka Day.

“Vodka” stems from the Russian word, voda, meaning water.

The beverage came to light around the 12th century and was initially used for medical purposes. It wasn’t until the 1350’s that the drink gained a reputation for its intoxicating properties.

We won’t get into the heated debate over whether the Russians or the Polish discovered it first.

Most vodkas are made from potatoes, wheat or grain and grapes, but can be made from just about anything that can be fermented to produce alcohol.

While rarely consumed outside of Europe before the Second World War, vodka soon captivated liquor fans with its flavourless and versatile appeal.

Nowadays even the Average Joe can take part in the prestigious art of vodka fusion, or the art of infusing flavors into regular vodka.

You might be hard pressed to come up with an original flavour nowadays, but why not take a swirl at it this Sunday?

Or… You could just…

Then tell us how it turned out.

Enjoy… (Responsibly)

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