
Listen to elephants trumpet

Take a drive to Tembe Elephant Park to see the last of the 'great tuskers'.

IF you can take the heat, head out to Tembe Elephant Park in Northern KZN where  African elephants roam freely.

The park is a 30 012 ha game reserve developed by Tembe Tribal Authority and Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife. It was established in 1983 to protect elephants which used to migrate between Maputaland and southern Mozambique.

The park is now home to 250 elephants which are the largest in the world.

Other animals to look out for include lion, leopard, several species of buck, rhino and crocodile as well as more than 340 bird species.

Be sure to stop at Mahlasela Hide to see a herd of elephants frolicking in the mud. Another spot to see the giant tuckers in action is at the Muzi Swamp from Pongweni Hide.
Also on the tourist route is the picnic area at Manungu, a walking trail closed off from large animals by an electric fence and a viewing tower on Gowanini which offers a panoramic view over the reserve.


For the birdwatchers: More than 340 bird species have been recorded in Tembe, including the rare Rudd’s Apalis, the Rufous-bellied Heron, the Natal Nightjar and the Woodward’s Batis.


Only 10 vehicles are allowed into the park on a daily basis and these must be 4X4s to negotiate the sand tracks that form the
road network.
Watch out for ticks at the picnic sites. Make sure you spray insect repellent on your legs and feet.

Accommodation is available at the park – Tembe Elephant Lodge




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