Fish landed in great numbers on Bonanza day one

The fleet headed to sea at first light on boats large and small, jet skis and fishing skis and returned for the weigh-in with hatches loaded as fish by the score came to the party

NATURE united with excellent planning to make day one of the Richards Bay Ski Boat Club’s 40th annual Bonanza fishing competition a roaring success.

Brilliant work by young Hannu Coetzee (9), who tagged and released his first billfish, a blue marlin of about 60kg

The fleet headed to sea at first light on boats large and small, jet skis and fishing skis and returned for the weigh-in with hatches loaded as fish by the score came to the party.

Petru Coetzee with another unusual catch, a 3.9kg blue and yellow rock cod

This included at least three marlin hook-up and although none were brought to the gantry scales, they certainly will be in the running for prizes when the competition ends on Sunday.

Gerhard Potgieter brought this nice 44.8kg tuna to the weigh-in

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