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Rain has last say in Nkwazi competition

Annual Nkwazi golf day once again draws the crowd to Richards Bay.

RICHARDS Bay’s Hannes Uys drew first blood in the annual Nkwazi golf day at the Richards Bay Country Club over the weekend.

Ninety-five golfers took to the 18-hole course on the first day on Friday, following an IPS format.

Uys of Richards Bay Country Club topped the score sheet on 41 points, followed by Tracy Coetzer on 40 points and Jacques Swarts in third on 40 points.

Saturday saw 128 golfers rock up for the second day of the competition, following a 4 Ball Better Ball Stableford format.

Jan Erasmus and Charl Groenwewald won the day after a count-out with Johan Potgieter and Hennie Bruwer after both teams ended on 47 points.

Ryno Laubscher and his partner Rheinard du Toit finished third on 46 points.

Owing to the pumping winds and rain on Sunday, the third and final day was cancelled and will be played on Saturday at the Richards Bay Country Club.

The competition will be an IPS format and one can book tee-off times at the Pro Shop on 035 7534848.


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