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Surfer lingo for dummies

Are you super amped to join locals and bennys for a gnarly session at Alkantstrand?

WITH the Citroën SA Surfing Champs currently on the go in Richards Bay, it’s no surprise that one would want to head down to the beach and join in the fun.

Chat up and impress SA’s best surfers with this list of popular surfing lingo:

Amped – Getting excited while surfing or really looking forward to a surf.

Bail – To bail is to jump off the board to avoid an imminent wipe-out.

Barney – An inexperienced surfer.

Beach leech – Someone who constantly borrows boards.

Benny – A non-local.

Clucked – Being afraid of waves.

Frube – A surfer who does not catch a wave for the whole time they are in the water.

Gnarly – Particularly dangerous surf conditions.


Ho-dad – Anyone who annoys board riders while they surf.

Men in grey suits – Sharks!

Mush/Mushburger – Poor quality, slow, or non-powerful waves, often on-shore.

Dweeb – A geek; someone who acts or looks like a simpleton.

Noodled/Noodle Arms – Being exhausted or having tired arms.

Noah – Another term for shark.

Shacked – Getting completely barrelled, riding a phat tube.

Shubie – Someone who buys surf gear and clothing but does not surf.

Wahine – A female surfer.

Wipe-out – Falling of your board is referred to as a wipe-out. Other terms are donut, mullering, eating it, taking a pounding, or pretty much anything else you would like.

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