Local angler teaches boys how to fish

Richards Bay Christian School teacher, Garth Tedder, has hooked some fishermen for life.

HE broke almost every one of ‘Mom’s Twenty Commandments,’ including ‘thou shalt wear thou shoes’ and ‘thou shall bathe thee daily,’ but natural born teacher, Garth Tedder, has hooked some fishermen for life.

The Richards Bay Christian School teacher, better known as ‘Mr T’, took his students to Mapelane on a tag-and-release fishing expedition and an outdoors lesson in nature conservation.

Fish, crabs and creatures were caught, observed and freed and a camper who calls himself ‘the mad professor’ gave all an enthusiastic and impromptu lesson on the anatomy of the dragon fly.

One student did however remark that Mr T was distracted from the lesson because the fishing lured him away.

The youngsters took the bait eagerly, especially judging by the smell of the homecoming heroes and the admission that they may have had a bait fight on the beach.

The expedition was gleefully observed by the peanut gallery, consisting of raiding monkey troops by day and bush babies by night.

The biggest fish for the weekend, a Lesser Sand Shark, was caught by Jon-Marc Witthoft.

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